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Expert Bathroom Remodeling in Salt Lake City, UT

For more than ten years, Manor Residential Sales Group has been the premier provider of exceptional bathroom remodeling services in Salt Lake City, UT and surrounding areas. Our extensive expertise covers every aspect of the renovation process, from sourcing the finest materials to designing and crafting exquisite, functional cabinets, countertops, and flooring. We take great pride in delivering unparalleled service that aims to enhance the beauty and functionality of our clients’ bathroom spaces.


Everything Your Bathroom Needs to Bring You Joy

Our team specializes in providing a comprehensive range of services to transform your bathroom. Our services include:

  • Stock Cabinetry: Our practical and functional stock cabinetry options are designed to meet your everyday bathroom needs.
  • Custom Cabinetry: For a personalized touch, our team can create, construct, and install top-quality custom cabinetry that perfectly aligns with your specific requirements.
  • Countertops: Choose from a variety of options, including quartz, granite, and Silestone. Our countertops not only enhance the aesthetics but also provide long-lasting and practical use.
  • Flooring: With the highest craftsmanship in our flooring layouts and installations, we provide ultra-stylish and durable LVP (Luxury Vinyl Plank).

Customized Bathroom Renovations to Meet Your Needs

With our expertise, we provide a wide range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Here are some of the services we offer:

Complete Renovation

With our expertise, we can completely transform your bathroom by replacing and upgrading your cabinets, countertops, and flooring with top-quality materials.

Feature Updates

Enhancing your current bathroom is made easy with our services. We can efficiently improve and make modifications such as resurfacing or repainting for a refreshed and modern aesthetic.

Partial Renovations

Need specific features of your bathroom updated? Our team is fully equipped to handle partial renovations, whether it be replacing cabinets, countertops, or other elements.

Experience a Bathroom That You Absolutely Love

At Manor Residential Sales Group, we are fully equipped to assist you with your upcoming bathroom renovation project.

  • Our team of experts will start with an initial consultation to accurately measure your bathroom and provide detailed estimates and pricing.
  • Once the planning phase is complete, we will proceed with the necessary updates, replacements, and renovations to transform your bathroom.
  • After the main work is done, we will conduct a comprehensive follow-up consultation to address any additional changes and ensure that every detail meets your satisfaction.

Schedule a Consultation Today