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Custom Cabinetry

Manor Residential Sales Group’s contemporary and traditional custom cabinetry in Salt Lake City, UT and surrounding areas offers sublime style for any home. As seasoned craftspeople with over 30 years of experience, we value elegant design and aesthetics above all. Our wide selection can be tailored and perfected for any space in your home, from your kitchen, bathroom, and beyond. Whether your home is traditional or contemporary, we can devise and create cabinet products to match your style and preferences.

dark wood cabinets

Classic and One-of-a-Kind Inset Cabinetry

Our custom inset cabinetry offers timeless looks to kitchens. With soft corners and edges and unique customizations, inset cabinetry will elevate your kitchen.

  • Personalize Your Space With Endless Options: We offer a vast array of configurations, modifications, and styles customized to fit your unique home.
  • Elegant Dovetailed Drawers: Our custom inset cabinetry is made with hardwood dovetailed drawers, carefully tailored by our exceptional artisans.
  • Gentle Handling With Soft Close: You can open and close your cabinetry softly every time and avoid slamming with our soft-close modification.
  • Innovative Storage Solutions: Our custom inset cabinetry maximizes storage and allows homeowners to organize their items to their preference.
  • Exceptional Overlays: We craft overlays that fully cover frames and spaces between cabinetry, providing a seamless and uniform appearance.
oak wood cabinets

Sleek and Timeless Frameless Cabinetry

Our luxury frameless cabinetry provides seamless style and function for kitchens. From contemporary to traditional, achieve your desired kitchen with us.

  • Customized and Versatile Designs: Pick and choose from an array of functional and beautiful configurations, modifications, and products to suit your kitchen,
  • Traditional and Modern Styles: Our frameless styles provide unique styles, from sleek and sophisticated to classic and timeless.
  • Durable, Smoothly Operated Luxury Drawers: Experience effortless handling with our smooth roll-out drawers that are structurally robust and built to last.
  • Alluring Veneers: We offer utterly stunning veneers for contemporary and traditional styles. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them.
  • Luxurious Storage Space: Get all the space you desire for your kitchen and cookware. Your cabinet interiors will provide endless room.
  • Effortless Soft-Soft Close: With our soft-close feature, your roll-out and pull-out frameless cabinetry will glide back and forth seamlessly without a sound.
  • Vast Color Palette: We offer a diverse and creative color palette. Customize your colors and finishes to achieve your dream kitchen aesthetic.

Cabinetry Tailored to Your Home

Our custom artisans personalize and tailor our cabinetry for everyone we serve. Your cabinetry will be designed and implemented to fit your home’s unique requirements. We start from scratch and ensure each configuration realized perfectly.

Effortlessly Smooth and Robust

Our custom cabinetry’s durability is virtually unmatched. We use a proven process to design and construct our products and ensure they maintain quality and strength. From testing their resilience against heat, humidity, moisture, and impacts, we’ll only deliver your cabinetry when we’re sure it will last you for years.

Quality Cabinets From Exceptional Craftspeople

At Manor Residential Sales Group, we merge cutting-edge manufacturing technology with the most experienced and careful hands in the custom cabinetry industry. We maintain a rigorous degree of quality control and product testing, ensuring every detail is perfect. From applying finishes to reinforcing function and strength, you can expect nothing less than an extraordinary cabinet product to complete your home.

Schedule a Consultation Today